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Thursday, March 12, 2009

How To Create Health + Healthy Lifestyle Brand Ambassadors

Check out this SlideShare Presentation, which lays out Netlog's 5 "C"s of creating brand ambassadors. Do you agree with them?
1. Content - which should be useful, unique, newsworthy, first, controversial, insightful, inspirational, extraordinary, unexpected, etc., that captures people's attention and gives them something valuable and sharable (e.g. Kashi Wellness Hub)
2. Conversate - the community(s) of people who share the same interests and passions who are speaking (and spreading) to one another through non-stop brand interaction (e.g. Kashi friends and events)
3. Continuous - facilitating the ability for brand conversations to take place anytime through any device from anywhere around the world (e.g. Nike Plus)
4. Context- the conversation isn't driven from the brand, it's among friends telling friends, such that the brand becomes intertwined into people's daily conversations, which can be good and bad (e.g. Restaurant's creative way of disguising bad health report)
5. Contribute- how the brand ultimately contributes to making people's lives better (e.g. LiveStrong)

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